Sobre mí página personal blog

Aficionado a la naturaleza, deporte, lectura y series. Descubre más sobre mis intereses y pasiones en mi página personal de Fernando Elipe.

woman in blue tank top and blue leggings standing on gray rock near river during daytime
woman in blue tank top and blue leggings standing on gray rock near river during daytime
Mi Pasión: Naturaleza y Deporte
Mis Intereses: Lectura y Series

Explora mi mundo a través de mi blog personal donde comparto mis experiencias y recomendaciones sobre naturaleza, deporte, lectura y series. ¡Bienvenido a mi espacio virtual!

Naturaleza Deportiva

Explora la pasión por la naturaleza, deporte, lectura y series de Fernando.

a group of turtles on a blue surface
a group of turtles on a blue surface
2 men in black and red jacket and black pants standing on snow covered ground during
2 men in black and red jacket and black pants standing on snow covered ground during
man in black jacket and black pants riding on snowboard during daytime
man in black jacket and black pants riding on snowboard during daytime
person jumping with skis and ski poles above snowfield
person jumping with skis and ski poles above snowfield


¡Contáctame para colaboraciones, preguntas o simplemente para charlar sobre naturaleza, deporte, lectura o series!


